
Allens Creek Reservoir plans look to be moving ahead. The Bravos River Authority and the City of Houston have come into an agreement. The River Authority will be overseeing the project, as the City of Houston has sold their share holding of the plans. This would create a new recreational lake and provide much needed water supply for the Brazos River basin. The plans date back to 1974, when the building of the Allens Creek Reservoir had been proposed as a cooling Reservoir. Houston Lighting and Power were in early planning stages of building a nuclear power plant in the area of Allen’s Creek. However, the project never happened and the plans were sold off.

The proposed Allens Creek Reservoir is located in southern Austin County, Texas. Allens Creek, with its head waters near the town of Sealy, lies within the Brazos River flood plain and flows into the Brazos River approximately one-half mile below the proposed Allens Creek Reservoir dam. The proposed reservoir is roughly bounded by SH 36 on the west, FM 1458 on the east, Mixville Road on the north, and FM 1093 on the south. The reservoir is to fill the area of a Brazos River meander bounded on all sides by a bluff except the east edge. The pond level is to be 118 feet above mean sea level. The proposed reservoir is in the Gulf Prairies and Marshes ecological area 4 of Texas (McMahan et al. 1984). The climate is classified as subtropical, receiving an average of 4 to 4.5 inches of rainfall monthly. Average annual low temperature is 56 to 57°F, and average annual high temperature is 79 to 80°F (Larkin 1983). Figure 1media download(PDF 20.9 KB) shows the location of Austin County and the proposed reservoir.

TPW Foundation
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